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Welcome to the Resources section of Humane Intelligence, your go-to destination for  reports, insightful guides, and valuable tools on algorithmic assessment and AI ethics. Here, you'll find a curated collection of materials designed to support practitioners, researchers, and anyone interested in developing transparent, ethical, and explainable AI models. Explore our resources to enhance your understanding and contribute to the evolving landscape of responsible AI.

Generative AI Red Teaming Challenge: Transparency Report

House Committee on Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee on Cybersecurity, Information Technology, and Government Innovation; Testimony of Dr. Rumman Chowdhury 

Red teaming large language models (LLMs) for resilience to scientific disinformation

Bias Bounty Fact Sheet


Bias Bounties and other forms of structured public feedback - Fact Sheet.

Call for Participation - AI Red Teaming Exercise


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Bias Bounty 101 for beginners - tutorial video series

Downloading the dataset

Inspecting the data

Creating Categories

Testing Beginner Level Prompts

Submitting your solutions

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